Developing a Jira 应用程序: How to Design 可用性测试 

如何Designing a Usability Test

可用性测试 is a crucial step in designing any product or application. 对于mg官方游戏中心开发清晰的路径的团队来说 , designing the 可用性 tests was a very important part of the process. Since our Jira app was a new application being developed from scratch, 更有必要了解用户体验,并根据用户反馈进行改进. 在进行测试之前, Designing a Usability Test同样重要,它能确保你得到有助于改进产品的信息.

在Designing a Usability Test脚本时, 有关于是使用可用性测试还是用户接受测试(UAT)的讨论。. Although these types of tests are used interchangeably, 他们之间有需要考虑的差异. 成为一款新应用, 对于mg官方游戏中心的团队来说,是进行可用性测试还是用户接受度测试是一个问题. So, what is the difference between these two types of tests?

User Acceptance Testing vs. Usability Testing

用户验收测试是为了确保产品或应用程序满足某些用户的标准和需求而进行的. It is focused on validating that the product works and functions as intended, 而不是检查用户体验. User Acceptance Testing  is done before 可用性 测试, 旨在回答“应用程序是否解决了它想要解决的问题”这个问题?” Designing a user acceptance test requires users of the target audience, 并收集用户的意见,这些用户对正在解决的问题有一定的背景知识. UAT使用基于场景的测试进行, where the user will have to accomplish many tasks to fulfill the scenario. 用户验收测试的名字确实描述了它背后的主要目标:这是一个用户会接受的应用程序吗?

可用性测试  is concerned with the ease of use for the user and the overall user experience. It is aimed to gather user feedback and identify any potential 可用性 issues. 通常会有一个脚本,其中包含不同的“任务”供用户完成,以确定产品或应用程序的潜在痛点和改进领域. 可用性测试 focuses on more specific, smaller tasks. Assuming the UX designer already completed user acceptance 测试, 可用性测试紧随其后的问题是“应用程序如何很好地解决了它想要解决的问题。?” 可用性测试 measures the quality of the solution, even if user acceptance 测试 deemed it “accepted” by the user. 可用性测试通常是用户体验设计师和研究人员使用的测试类型. 对于某些应用程序,可以假设用户已经接受/使用了应用程序. 这就是为什么测试应用程序的性能和用户体验非常重要的原因.

Our Experience

As you can tell, these types of tests are pretty similar to each other. Sometimes they are even used interchangeably or in tandem with each other. mg官方游戏中心的团队进行了几次协作讨论,讨论mg官方游戏中心认为最好的方向是如何最好地理解用户体验. mg官方游戏中心决定设计一个可用性测试, 因为mg官方游戏中心觉得清晰的路径解决了Jira中常见的问题,并将其与其他应用区分开来. mg官方游戏中心选择专注于可用性测试, 因为mg官方游戏中心想要衡量效率, 效率, and user satisfaction in the ways we solved the problems. 因为清晰的路径是一个SaaS产品, mg官方游戏中心知道,要想通过免费试用实现高用户使用率和留存率的目标,mg官方游戏中心就必须确保产品的易用性能够取悦用户基础.

The Importance of Usability Testing

为什么可用性测试很重要,而且对任何项目或应用程序都很重要,原因有很多. UX designers are often reminded of the phrase “You are not the user”. 这是一个需要记住的重要短语, because even if a design makes perfect sense to the designer, that does not mean that the user will have a good experience with it. This is also the whole goal of User Experience design, 确保您的应用程序为最广泛的用户提供最佳的用户体验. 这对于早期发现问题也很重要. Think of someone proofreading a paper you wrote and catching a grammar mistake, 即使你没有注意到. 可用性测试也是如此. 经常, mg官方游戏中心离设计太近了,一双新鲜的眼睛可以帮助mg官方游戏中心发现mg官方游戏中心从未注意到的东西.

Designing a Usability Test

This leads us to the topic of how to go about designing a 可用性 test.  设计一个成功的可用性测试需要执行许多步骤和最佳实践. UX designers will often first start by creating a “script” that entails test goals, 用户任务, and any specific 问题 that are pertinent to the goals of the test. I am going to go over some of the steps when it comes to designing the 可用性 test. 这并不包括执行或测试后的步骤.


  • Planning the 可用性 test is the most important step. 用户体验设计师和参与用户测试的任何其他团队成员都希望确保计划是详细的,并且符合测试目标. 对于清晰的路径,mg官方游戏中心主要只有一个开发人员,一个产品负责人和一个UX设计师. This made it easy to assemble the team and get feedback.

  • Determining the 测试 goals is a very important part of planning the 可用性 test. 这将有助于团队继续进行测试, and make sure they are getting the most out of the 可用性 test. Some example goals we used for 清晰的路径 are: What are the pain points of the app, or what are the parts of the app that can be improved? 虽然这些目标可以更普遍, our team is aware of what we might think a user would say the pain points are. With this, we can create tasks or 问题 to see if this is true for a user.

  • 与计划一起来的还有测试的后勤工作. At this point, answering the who, what, when, where, why? 问题. 对于清晰的路径,mg官方游戏中心找到了可以在其工作地点完成测试的内部员工.


  • 清除路径, mg官方游戏中心的日程安排很紧凑, we chose to conduct 可用性 测试 after we developed the MVP. Because of this, we did not have to worry about creating a Figma prototype. 然而, 你要确保任何可用性测试都有一个实时或原型版本,这样用户才能更轻松地通过测试.

  • 问用户一些一般性的问题是很重要的,比如“你觉得这个页面怎么样??但重要的是要让用户完成“任务”,这可以帮助您的团队了解用户在应用程序中的易用性和可用性问题. 重要的是,这些任务必须足够通用, 所以他们不是主要用户, but also specific enough that the user knows where to go.

  • 对于清晰的路径,mg官方游戏中心有这样的任务:“告诉我你将如何可视化一个发布。.“这是一项广泛的任务,但它向mg官方游戏中心展示了用户是如何真正做到这一点的,并且可以揭示你可能没有意识到的信息。. You can always help the user if they are not able to complete the task, and this will reveal that there might be 可用性 issues for the common user.

  • 当涉及到任务时, 其中很大一部分是确保用户不会觉得自己的能力受到了“考验”,或者因为没有“成功”完成任务而感到难过. 让用户事先知道是mg官方游戏中心在测试应用程序,而不是他们,这一点很重要. 任务结束后, 通常会有一些后续问题,这些问题将概括用户对应用程序的整体体验和感受.


  • 清除路径, we knew our tool was for users that use Jira. Within our organization the primary users will be the product owners. 然而, 其他技术和业务角色也使用Jira, 因此,获得多样化的用户群非常重要.

  • For planning a 可用性 test, you might not be at the point yet to recruit the users. 然而, 了解用户可能是谁以及在哪里可以找到他们仍然很重要. It is best to find at least 5 users to do 可用性 测试. 数字5在统计上是显著的, where most of your 可用性 issues would come up using 5 different users. 

  • Sometimes you might not be able to plan for the exact type of user, 但一般来说,最好是找一些对你的应用程序有一定背景知识的人,同时也找一些对你的应用程序没有背景知识的人. This will provide a holistic user pool and allow for more holistic results.


  • Even in just the designing part of 可用性 测试, it is important to be aware of how the results will be translated. 测试可以是定量的,也可以是定性的. Quantitative 测试 is based on numbers and statistics. Qualitative 测试 is more abstract, but equally as important. 两种方法都是有效的, but it is important to be aware of so you can get the most out of your results.  

Important Things to Remember for Designing a Usability Test


  • Preparation and planning for a 可用性 test will make the test more successful. 目标和目的必须明确, 这将帮助你更好地理解用户体验并确保你的产品能够获得成功.


  • For any UX project, not just for 测试, collaboration is key. It is important that the members of the team such as the product owner, 用户体验团队, and developers all can collaborate on the user 测试. This will not only help with the general team's understanding of what is going on, 但是每个人都可以对可用性测试的设计和潜在的任务提供新的观点.

The Main Goal is to Understand the User’s Experience

  • 在Designing a Usability Test时要记住的主要事情是,它是为了更好地理解用户和用户体验. 能够理解用户并获得最多的反馈和体验将最终带来更好的产品以及更好的用户体验.

联系 MG游戏登录网页 了解更多信息.


Morgan是MG游戏登录网页的用户体验设计师,在过去的一年里,她为多个行业和客户开发了应用程序. She has skills and experience in UX Design, UX Research, and HCI theories.


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